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Settings and Options for Sales Receipt converters

After installing the software, the next step is to select your conversion settings.

Tip: It’s helpful to have QuickBooks open to the Chart of Accounts list while doing this.

How to View / Change Settings
  1. In Excel, open your downloaded statement (otherwise, the menu options will be dimmed/disabled)
  2. From the Excel menu, access your Statement Converter conversion settings:
    • Excel 2007-2013 for Windows: Add-ins > Convert to QB > View config...
    • Excel 2000-2003 for Windows: Convert to QB > View config...
    • Excel 2011 for Mac: Convert to QB > View config...
  3. Select a conversion settings file:

    View config files

Guide to Settings and Options

The conversion settings control how your transactions are posted to QuickBooks. Settings with a red asterisk * are required; the others are optional.

Settings/options for Credit Card statement

Scroll down for explanations and examples of each setting

Posting (Control) accounts
QB Credit Card Account *

QB Credit Card Account Name

The credit card account to which all transactions (charges, refunds, and payments) will be posted. This is the "control" or "master" account.


  • Citibank
  • Home Depot 1234
  • Credit cards:Visa


  • Use either the account name or number (but not both) from your QB Chart of Accounts.
  • This entry must be different from the QB Payment account and QB Expense account (in double-entry accounting, every transaction must be posted to two different accounts).
  • This name or number must exactly match the account in your QuickBooks chart of accounts; if it does not match, a new account will be created.
  • If using a sub-account, enter it as: parent-account:sub-account (parent name or number, colon, sub-name or -number).
  • This field is required (it cannot be left blank).
Distribution accounts
QB Payment Account *

QB Payment Account Name

Specify the account from which payments are made to pay down the credit card.

Usually, this is a checking account.


  • Bank account 1
  • Wells Fargo:Operating
  • Banks:Wells Fargo:Business
  • 1100:1105:1105.7


  • Use either the account name or number (but not both) from your QB Chart of Accounts.
  • This entry must be different from the QB Credit Card account and QB Expense account (in double-entry accounting, every transaction must be posted to two different accounts).
  • This name or number must exactly match the account in your QuickBooks chart of accounts; if it does not match, a new account will be created.
  • If using a sub-account, enter it as: parent-account:sub-account (parent name or number, colon, sub-name or -number).
  • This field is required (it cannot be left blank).
Assign Account names *

Assign account names

Tell Statement Converter how to assign the distribution account.

The most common choices are Default QB debit/credit account and Lookup table, then default.

Options for determining account names

Default QB debit/credit account Common choice

All debits will be posted to a single account and all credits will be posted to a single account.

Enter the name of the debits account in Default QB Debit account name
Enter the name of the credits account in Default QB Credit account name

Account from the statement

Transactions will be posted to the account specified in your statement.

This applies only for statements where the transactions contain account names — most don’t.

If this option is selected and your statement does not specify accounts, debits will be posted to the Default QB Debit account name and credits will be posted to the Default QB Credit account name.

Lookup table, then statement, then default

If you are using Statement Converter’s Lookup feature and a match is found, the transaction is posted as specified in the lookup table.

If there’s no match, the program looks for an account name in the statement transaction.

If the statement does not specify an account, the transaction is posted to the Default QB Debit account name or Default QB Credit account name, as appropriate.

Lookup table, then default Common choice

If you are using Statement Converter’s Lookup feature and a match is found, the transaction is posted as specified in the lookup table.

If there’s no match, the transaction is posted to the Default QB Debit account name or Default QB Credit account name, as appropriate.

See also: The Lookup Feature

QB Expense Account Name *

QB Expense Account Name

The default distribution account to which credit card charges and refunds will be posted.

This is usually an expense account. It’s different from the QB Payment Account.


  • Office supplies
  • Property:Repairs
  • 5045.5:59835


  • Use either the account name or number (but not both) from your QB Chart of Accounts.
  • This name must exactly match the name of the account in your QuickBooks chart of accounts; if it does not match, a new account will be created.
  • This name must be different from the QB Credit Card account and QB Payment account (in double-entry accounting, every transaction must be posted to two different accounts).
  • If using a sub-account, enter it as: parent-account:sub-account (parent name or number, colon, sub-name or -number).
  • This field is required (it cannot be left blank).

See also: QB Expense Account Type

QB Expense Account Type *

QB Expense Account Type

Select the TYPE of QuickBooks account you entered in Default QB Expense Account NAME.

Typically, this is Expense or Cost of Goods Sold.

All QuickBooks account types are supported:

  • BANK

See also: The Lookup Feature

Vendor names
Assign Vendor names *

Assign vendor names

Statement Converter has several options for importing the payee/vendor names:

Options for assigning vendor names

  • Assign the same, generic vendor name for all transactions, or
  • Use the payee name from the statement, or
  • Use Statement Converter’s Lookup feature

Option 1 - Assign a generic payee name

If you’re not concerned with tracking individual vendors (e.g. you just want to total the expenses), you can assign a generic or "dummy" vendor name to every transaction.

For example, if your generic Vendor name is "??", your imported transactions would look like this:

Generic payee used as vendor name

Advantages: Easy to implement — just select this setting and your’re done.

Disadvantages: If you want your transactions to have the correct Vendor name, after importing you’d have to edit each transaction in QuickBooks.


  • ??
  • TBD

How to: Select Default QB Vendor name and enter the name of the default vendor in the field Default QB Vendor name.

Option 2 - Use the payee name from the statement

You can use the payee or description text from your statement as the Vendor name. This option is best when your statement has clean payee names (most don’t).

For example, your imported data might look like this:

Payee used as vendor name

Advantages: Easy to implement — just select this setting and you’re done.

Disadvantages: Most statements include other text with the payee name, so your QB Vendor list will have junk names. To clean up the data, you’d have to edit each transaction in QuickBooks.

How to: Select Payee text from the statement, then default and enter the name of the default vendor in the field Default QB Vendor name.

Option 3 - Use the Lookup feature

Use the Lookup feature matching rules to connect your actual Vendors to the descriptions in your statement.

Lookup rules look like this:

Sample "Lookup file" layout

In addition, the Lookup feature can assign the expense account and class, too.

Advantages: This is the most customized way to import your transactions. Payees that aren’t found in the lookup list can be assigned a default name -or- the payee text from the statement.

Disadvantages: You have to manually enter and maintain the lookup entries. It does not link automatically to your QuickBooks vendor or account lists.

How to: Select Lookup table and enter the name of the default vendor in the field Default QB Vendor name.


Default QB Vendor Name *

QB Vendor Name

This default vendor name is assigned if you don’t use the payee name from the statement, or don’t use the Lookup feature, or if no Lookup rule matches.

For a one vendor credit card, where all purchases are from a single company, such as Home Depot, enter the name of the vendor.


  • Home Depot
  • Target

For a typical credit card where each payee is different, such as a Visa/Mastercard/Amex, enter a generic, default name.


  • ??
  • TBD
  • Imported


  • The Default QB Vendor name must match (capitalization does not matter) the vendor name in your QuickBooks Vendor Center or else QuickBooks will create a new vendor.
  • This field is required (it cannot be left blank).

See also: Assign Vendor Names, Lookup Feature

Assign Classes

Assign classes

Select how Statement Converter should assign the Class to transactions (not all companies use Classes).

Options for assigning classes

Do not assign a class

Class names will not be assigned to transactions (Don’t know what Classes are? select this).

Default QB Class

All transactions will be assigned the Class you set in Default QB Class.

Class from the statement

Transactions will be assigned the Class specified in the statement transaction (only for statements that have this data).

If a class is not found in the statement, a class will not be assigned.

Lookup table, then statement

If you are using Statement Converter’s Lookup feature and a match is found, the Class is assigned as specified in the lookup table.

If there is no match or you are not using the Lookup feature, the program will look for a Class name in the statement.

If the statement does not specify a class, a class will not be assigned.

Lookup table

If you are using Statement Converter’s Lookup feature and a match is found, the Class is assigned as specified in the lookup table.

If there is no match, or you’re not using the Lookup feature, the program will use the Default QB Class.

See also: Default QB Class, The Lookup Feature

Default QB Class

QB Class

If you are using Classes, set the default QB Class name.


  • Personal
  • Business
  • Property 1
  • Project A


  • The Default QB Class must match (capitalization does not matter) the name used in your QuickBooks "Class" lists or else QuickBooks will create a new Class.

See also: Assign Classes, The Lookup Feature

Lookup feature

The Lookup feature matches transactions to your QuickBooks Vendors, Accounts, and/or Classes.

To enable this feature:

  1. checkmark Use Lookup feature. Click in the filename field and browse to your lookup table (the default is vendor_list.xls)

    Lookup feature - enabled

  2. select which transaction data should be assigned using Lookup rules:

    Lookup feature

See the complete instructions for the Lookup Feature.

Other Settings
Mark transactions as cleared

Imported transactions can be marked as "Cleared" in the account register.

To mark them as cleared, checkmark this option. To import as not cleared, uncheck this option.

Mark checks "To be printed"

for bank checks only: import new check transactions as "to print" (for later printing)

To mark new check transactions To be printed, checkmark this option. To import normally, uncheck this option.

Confirm settings before converting

Each time you convert, would you like to be prompted, "Confirm your QuickBooks settings?"

To prompt, checkmark this option. To skip confirmation, uncheck this option.

Close statement after converting

When converting is finished, should the program close the statement file?

This is merely a convenience feature — it doesn’t affect converting. To close the file, checkmark this option. To leave your file open, uncheck this option.

Cut vendor name after X spaces

The payee names on your statement often include extraneous text, such as a phone number, city name, store ID number, etc. Usually, you don’t want that extra text imported because it will clutter up the Vendor List with nonsense names. Statement Converter can drop the extra text if there are two or more spaces separating the data.


The payee name in this transaction is "SCOOPS OF PARADISE  QPS    HALEIWA" but we don’t want all that imported as a Vendor name; we just want "SCOOPS OF PARADISE":

Cut vendor name after spaces

Statement Converter can drop the extra text because there are multiple spaces in it. Set Cut vendor name after to 2 and any text after 2 spaces will be ignored when assigning the Vendor name.

This setting is used only when Assign Vendor Names is set to Payee text from the statement or Lookup table, then statement, otherwise this setting has no effect.

The default setting is 0 (zero) which means off/disabled. The recommended setting is 2.

Example: 2

Import memo

Statement Converter can import text into the QuickBooks Memo field. This can be useful when reviewing the transaction later.

The choices for importing memo text are:

  • Import the statment memo (not all statements have a memo column)
  • Do not import any memo text
  • Use the Payee as the memo text
  • Combine both the Payee and the Memo as the memo text
Date output format

Transaction dates can be set to match your locale: month/day/year or day/month/year.

Users of the US version should use the default setting, MDY.

Users whose need dates as D/M/Y (e.g. UK) should use DMY.


You shouldn’t change values in this section unless instructed.

Save as format

The output file can be saved in different formats. The default output is TAB (tab-delimited).

International users: if QuickBooks will not accept the transaction dates when importing, set this to TAB_NOLOCAL or CSV_NOLOCAL. This adjusts how the dates are saved in the IIF file.

(NOLOCAL forces dates to be saved in the format of US English, the language upon which VBA is based. Otherwise, dates are saved using the local language of your Microsoft Excel, including control panel settings.)

Output filename extension

This sets the filename extension of the QuickBooks file.

QuickBooks expects .IIF. To override it, set it here. This setting is optional; if not set it defaults to ".IIF".

Example: .IIF

Save settings as

Save settings as...

When saving the conversion settings, you may specify the filename. This is useful when you have multiple accounts from the bank.

Tips ’n Tricks
  • ACCOUNT NAMES: The account names you enter must match the names in QuickBooks exactly (capitalization does not matter) or else QuickBooks will import your transactions to a new account with the incorrect name.

    Example: Your QuickBooks bank account is named "Checking" but you mistakenly enter the setting as "Chking". The transactions will be imported into a new account "Chkng".

    To correct this, you can:

    • in QuickBooks, edit the wrong account name to the correct name and QuickBooks will ask, "Would you like to merge these accounts?" Select "Yes", or
    • edit the transactions one by one and select correct account, or
    • delete the transactions one by one and re-convert/import, or
    • restore a backup and import again.
  • ACCOUNT NUMBERS: If using account numbers, specify EITHER the account number OR the account name, not both.

    Example: You have an account 6905 Maintenance. Enter it as: 6905 or Maintenance

  • SUB-ACCOUNTS: If using sub-accounts, enter as: parent-account:sub-account:sub-account (account names separated by a colon).

    Example: You have a parent account 2100 Credit cards and your Home Depot card is account 2105 Home Depot. Enter the setting as: Credit cards:Home Depot

If the "View config..." menu is dimmed/disabled

The View config... option is available only when there’s a conversion settings file in the same folder as the statement (Excel worksheet) you have open.

If the menu option for View config... is dimmed/disabled, like this:

View config disabled

do this:

  • move your conversion settings file (i.e. SC_config_xyz.txt) into the same folder as the statement you wish to convert
  • close Excel
  • re-start Excel and open the statement

The menu should now be enabled.

If you have multiple credit cards or bank accounts from one bank...

If you are importing multiple accounts from the same bank/vendor, you’ll probably want to post the transactions to their respective accounts. To do this, simply create separate conversion settings for each account.

Example: you have one credit card for business expenses and another for personal expenses, both cards from the same bank

  1. Enter the settings for the first account, and save them with a name that indicates the account, such as SC_config_WellsFargo_CC_BUSINESS.txt

  2. Adjust the settings for the second account, and save them with a reminder name such as SC_config_WellsFargo_CC_PERSONAL.txt

    Save settings as...

    Or, use the account numbers in the filename:



    Or, indicate the cardholder name:



Important: The filename must include _config_ and _BA or _CC in the filename.

Tip: Put your helpful reminder text at the end of the filename, just before .txt

  1. Set the preference to be prompted for which conversion settings to use

    From the Convert to QB menu, select Preferences... and check the box.

    Preferences menu Set preferences
  2. Convert a statement

    When you convert a statement, the program will prompt you to select the conversion settings to use:

    Prompt for conversion settings

    If you decide not to convert, click Cancel conversion.

    If you select the wrong settings, simply convert again before importing into QuickBooks.

Tip: After entering the settings for one account, you can copy your settings to a new file by using Save settings as...

Save settings as...

You may also manually copy settings files directly from the operating system.

Split Transactions Among Multiple Accounts

The standard Statement Converter program posts each transaction to a single expense account. There is an add-on to split transactions among multiple accounts. You can also edit them in QuickBooks. To purchase the add-on, please submit a support request.

Email the QuickBooks file

After converting, the program can email the converted file to someone (bookkeeper/accountant/therapist). Please submit a support request for instructions.

What to do next

That’s it! Statement Converter is ready. Just convert your statements and import the transactions into QuickBooks.

Continue with: How to Use the Program

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