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How to Import PDF files
Importing transactions from PDFs into QuickBooks requires three steps:
  1. Extract the data into Excel, then
  2. Manipulate the data into a Statement Converter layout, then
  3. Convert the data into QuickBooks format using Statement Converter

You can do these steps yourself or use my Conversion Service.

The data imported perfectly!!! You are a lifesaver. It was well worth it to have you do this for me -- I would have gone bonkers. I would be more than willing to recommend you. Thanks so very much. — Stephanie Walker

Let me tell you, the converted bank statement import has saved me a ton of time! You made my life so much easier with this service. I would probably still be loading data, if it wasn’t for you. The process was wonderful. Quick, efficient and effective. The price/value I believe is fair. Thank you for making my life easier. — Michelle Leonard

Have .CSV or Excel files?
You’re in luck! Statement Converter works directly with .CSV and Excel files. Get info and buy a converter